The Suitcase


 Every day when a baby was born their family received a suitcase. The suitcase would be from someone who had died that very day and were given at random to the children. The suitcase could contain good things that could benefit the child. It could embarrass the child or it could have no meaning. But that is what their parents thought whether it was good or not. But they all meant something and they all impacted the child’s life, in good ways and bad. But it all taught them a lesson even though the child didn’t realize that the learned something. But one day a child wasn’t given a suitcase. Their parents were terrified for the had never know any child that had not received a suitcase. But they were not prepared for what was about to happen.Image

Character #1


 He was all the brains yet he was dumb. He was wise in the mind but dumb in the actions. He would think of the right thing but his body would do the wrong thing. He had no friends because of this. But he didn’t need friends nor did he want them. He was creative in the mind but again he was always dumb in what he did. He tried to tell his parents for they did not understand his behavior. He wanted to tell them that he thought the right thing but did the wrong always. He could think but not control. He could live but not effectively.Image 



So I was thinking that I could also make up characters for you guys. I would just find a picture of a random animated person and make up a description about their life. If you don’t like the idea then please let me know. However, this does not mean that I will stop posting designs of different worlds you could create, I am just giving you more ideas. 

By the way, when you come onto this blog and the first thing you see is an old post, then just scroll down and you will see the other posts. Have a great rest of your Sunday!

Down Side Up

Upside Down

Upside Down

Magic you say? Well, I don’t really know for sure.
Anyways, I will tell you what I know. Upside down is what you would call all of earth at the moment. Look at this picture there is a lake that is the sky instead of a regular lake in the ground. Well the truth is this photo is not the most accurate you see. But never mind that! The ocean, trees, grass, flowers, birds, animals, houses, stores, cars and planes etc were all upside down. However when the world went upside down the people did too but not for long. They came floating right back down to the ground. No, sorry I mean the came back down to the sky because the ground was the sky and sky was the ground. I hope that made sense to you. But there was one person who knew about it, it was his revenge on the world. However, the humans found out and you could imagine everyone wanted to kill him. But this wasn’t stopping a poor old man. It was making him stronger!